Sunday, July 8, 2012

Behold the Magical Bandana Debut Show

Entry to show with sample work of artists, magic bandana, artist statement
 “Behold the Magical Bandana”
(The Dot to Dot Collective goes to camp).

 In summertime, hoards of scouts, campers, and wilderness adventurists pack neat rucksacks with canteens, sleeping rolls, and trail mix.  With compass and map in hand they navigate a world unknown creating temporary homes, blazing trails, and crossing uncharted waters.  In this journey of discovery only the necessary accoutrements are packed, and so the Scout Master declared, “Behold the Magical Bandana! For there is great value in objects which possess multiple functions! It's an apron. It's a sit-upon. It's a bandage or a sling. It's a cap, a blindfold, and a potholder. It's a flag, a scarf, and a pack. It's as mask, a puppet, and a washcloth.  And now I ask you campers, what can you do with it?”  Without hesitation the scouts dutifully tied their bandanas around their necks and began to explore its magical possibilities.

The Dot to Dot scouts pay homage to the spirit of camp and magical bandanas in their debut show.  By presenting both fine and functional art they explore the multi-dimensionality of creativity, and its role in our everyday lives.  The content harkens to the child-like innocence of campers (particularly of a bygone era) who rose to the challenges of surviving in nature with newly achieved skills and earthy finesse.  So, too, do the Dots cut their teeth on their first attempt to wrangle the wild world of art and carve out a home in its wilderness.  Their creations are only made possible with the help of neatly packed tools of friendship, vision, and resourcefulness. 

In the words of Ernest Thompson Seton:

  [""Ho Wayseeker, " she called "I have watched your struggle to find the pathway, and I know that you will love the things that belong to it.  Therefore, I will show you the trail, and this is what it will lead you to: a thousand pleasant friendships that will offer honey in little thorny cups, the twelve secrets of the underbrush, the health of the sunlight, suppleness of body, the unafraidness of the night, the delight of deep water, the goodness of rain, the story of the trail, the knowledge of the swamp, the aloofness of knowing, -- yea, more, a crown and a little kingdom measured to your power and all your own.
     "But there is a condition attached.  When you have found a trail you are thereby ordained a guide.  When you have won a kingdom you must give it to the world or lose it. For those who have got the power must with it bear responsibility; evade the one, the other fades away."
      This is the pledge I am trying to keep, I want to be your Guide.  I am offering you my little kingdom."]

Campers, Ready your bandanas!

Kaela Voss print, Anna Lentz Print

Lisa Manning Grasshopper, Lisa Callahan deer print, Anna Lentz postcard block print

Mad Plaid quilt--Anna Lentz

Lisa Manning Totes, Kaela Voss Photo

Camp Paintings--Anna Lentz

Camp Paintings, Prints, Garlands, Totes, Socks,

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